-10 days: what to do with the house – the practical side of dreaming

As the excitement grows, the mind get unbalanced towards the upcoming unknown adventures and as the time pass by, there is a practical side of dreaming that has to be taken care of. Finding someone that pays the mortgage for me while I’m away was high on the priority list – as well as in… Continua a leggere -10 days: what to do with the house – the practical side of dreaming

Tribute to my grandfather

For a twist of fate, I ended up going for work to Germany, a little town in the iper-productive nord-east Westfalia region. What’s special in there? Well, it was 30Km only away from Sennelager and Paderborn, places where my granfather has been held prisoner for 14 months during World War II. So I decided to… Continua a leggere Tribute to my grandfather

Categorie: Life

Is it possible to enter Saudi Arabia if you have Israeli stamps on the passport?

The answer is YES. Many sources reports that entry in Saudi Arabia is denied for people with Israeli stamps on the passport…  and many people think that this is true. So, I volunteered to be a guinea pig and I went there to check* * it’s very cool to say that, but I didn’t volunteer… Continua a leggere Is it possible to enter Saudi Arabia if you have Israeli stamps on the passport?

Categorie: Life