Amazed to realize how, after 6 years, I can still have a culture shock in Netherlands…
Categoria: Vivo@Amsterdam
Stories from Holland: health care, care about my health!
Story #1: Pinky days It turned out to be a mistake, 2 years ago, but I still didn’t know. I was kite surfing in one of the most stunning scenery I’ve ever been. The dunes of the Sahara deserts are falling into a blue lagoon in Dakhla, Morocco, and the surfers are spending fantastically frugal days… Continua a leggere Stories from Holland: health care, care about my health!
Why I bought a van
Sat 27th Feb 2010 I did bought a van, a Volkswagen Transporter T4 from 1999, called “The Salsa Shuttle”. It’s something I was talking about since few weeks but still people didn’t took me seriously thinking I was kidding… so many people asked me “Why did you bought a van??” While my first answer is… Continua a leggere Why I bought a van
A’dam the frozen town
Qui e’ tutto ghiacciato!! Non accadeva da 12 anni… foto del canale in fronte a casa mia e un giro sul lago in Vondelpark 🙂 Temperature constantemente sottozero, pattinatori su ghiaccio ovunque!
Sta per iniziare la “Big Holiday”
Stasera si parte: 18 giorni negli Stati Uniti “on the road”! Complici 3 amici/colleghi collaudati ed un periodo di feste nazionali che permette una lunga vacanza prendendo pochi giorni di ferie: 30 aprile: Queen’s Day (il celebre compleanno della regina d’Olanda) 1 maggio: ascensione (niente a che vedere con la festa dei lavoratori!) 5 maggio:… Continua a leggere Sta per iniziare la “Big Holiday”