In Riga we participate to the Couchsurfing event “Riga Good Time” and ended up sleeping at a sauna party. Latvia confirms itself as a very creative place for accommodations, with an ex-prison, an ex-hospital and now a sauna! We also spent one afternoon in Jurmala, some 30km away from Riga and with beautiful and crowded… Continua a leggere Baltic Cycling Tour #6: from Riga to Sigulda
Tag: travel
Baltic Cycling Tour #5: from Kuldiga to Sabile
When we left Kuldiga in the mid-morning, our plan was to reach Riga in the evening. Our plan was to cycle till Kandava and then hop on a train, but we struggled to reach Sabile due to the uphills in that hilly part of Latvia. Sabile is home of the northest (more north in latitude)… Continua a leggere Baltic Cycling Tour #5: from Kuldiga to Sabile
Baltic Cycling Tour #4: from Liepaja to Kuldiga
Cloudio could not summarize better this stage of our tour, so I’ll reuse his words (and hope that Google won’t penalize me for doing so): The 5th stage of the BCT 2013 start incredibly fast: we reached Aizpute, 50km from our starting point in Liepaja, in only 1hr! Then we jumped off the bus, had… Continua a leggere Baltic Cycling Tour #4: from Liepaja to Kuldiga
Baltic Cycling Tour: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia
My trip around the Baltic country started the 6th July in Klaipeda, Lithuania, ended 14 days later in Tallinn, Estonia. Together with my spiritual guide Cloudio “guruju” we had total more than 500 km in 10 cycling days across 3 different countries. Not bad, considering that we had no training and that bike was chosen as… Continua a leggere Baltic Cycling Tour: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia
All that I can leave behind
The 6th of July 2013, leaving Klaipeda (Lithuania) with my friend Cloudio, the Baltic Cycling Tour officially started. Cyclotourism, if we can call it like that, is something I never tried before so I was excited… also for the minimal packing list involved. In Klaipeda we had to carefully select which items carry with us… Continua a leggere All that I can leave behind