3 months later

1st August 2012: 3 months after the start of my new life.   ‘What are you doing now?” This has been the most frequent question I’ve been asked, closely followed by “What are you doing now, exactly?” and far ahead of “How’s the feet? Or was it the knee?”. The answer changes depending on who’s asking:… Continua a leggere 3 months later

Interviewed by Clach

It didn’t came as a surprise that Cloudio contacted me when he decided to start interviewing the people that most inspired him. In fact, it came as a honor. The detail that most flattered me is that he titled this series of interviews he did “Traveller Profiles”. But truth to be told, we both know… Continua a leggere Interviewed by Clach

Guest post: How You Can Live Frugally and be Completely Happy

How You Can Live Frugally and be Completely Happy If you find yourself numbed and worn down by the monotony of a repetitive and thankless job, then you should consider calling it quits to the rat race. If you’re willing to say no to an unproductive and unfulfilling occupation, then you will begin to find… Continua a leggere Guest post: How You Can Live Frugally and be Completely Happy

Frugally high quality of life?

The first time I heard the word “frugal” I was reading Your Money or Your Life. Not being familiar with the word, I first thought that “frugal” meant something like “superficial”, and then I thought that meant “cheap”. While my first interpretation was totally wrong, the second was only completely wrong. So I looked up… Continua a leggere Frugally high quality of life?